Current Projects

Dr. B is currently working on chemistry learning resources.


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Dr. B is an educational researcher studying computational thinking, technology, and climate change education with a focus on learning progressions.

Latest Publications: Breslyn, W., & Green, A. E. (2022). Learning science with YouTube videos and the impacts of Covid-19. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary science education research, 4(1), 13.

Breslyn, W. (2020). PAA black holes, Khan, and Quora: mapping understanding of isotopes through existing data sources. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 412-425.

Popular: Breslyn, W., Drewes, A., McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., & Mouza, C. (2017). Development of an Empirically-Based Conditional Learning Progression for Climate Change. Science Education International, 28(3), 214-223.

Popular: Breslyn, W., McGinnis, J. R., McDonald, R. C., & Hestness, E. (2016). Developing a learning progression for sea level rise, a major impact of climate change. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(10), 1471-1499.


I’m considering doing a tutorial on how I create instructional videos. This would include:

  • My Tools: Open Source Software (mostly), Writing Tablet, and Microphone
  • My Process: Planning, Creating, Editing, and Uploading
  • Examples and Discussion

Video: Should Dr. B Create a Tutorial?

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